Thursday, July 25, 2024

Marigold 7/20/2024 Summer Gold Shine 2024 Day 3

Marigold 7/20/2024 Summer Gold Shine 2024 Day 3

The last show is here:

Nagisa Nozaki vs. Komomo Minami

They lock up and go to the ropes. NN boots her then side headlocks her. NN side headlock takeovers her and KM headscissors her. NN boots her. KM hits an armdrag and a dropkick. NN double chops her then flurries her with it. NN reverse pendulum kicks her on the apron then pulls on her neck while she's between the ropes. NN suplexes her for 2.

KM dropkicks her then NN does a grounded choke. NN curbstomps her for 2. NN hits knees and boots. NN foot chokes her. KM cradles her for 2 then rolls her up for 2. KM hits dropkicks then rolls over her back with a ddt. KM armbars her.

KM cradles her for 2 then NN hits a nice facekick. NN does a mule kick to the face for 2. NN sleepers her and submits her with a chicken wing.

Thoughts: It was an okay rookie vs vet match here. KM got some comebacks in and NN bullied her around as expected. 

Misa Matsui vs. Bozilla

MM runs in and dropkicks Boz in the corner several times. Boz shoulders her over and MM rolls to avoid her. MM stomps Boz's foot and dropkicks her in the knee. MM hits forearms then Boz fireman's carry throws her.

Boz corner splashes her and hits a 2nd rope dropkick. Boz suplexes her. They go out and Bozhits forearms out there. They get in and Boz baseball slides her out. Boz's throat is pulled down over the top rope then MM bangs Boz's leg off the post.

MM dropkicks Boz in the knee and does a stretch muffler. MM evades Boz and they trade chest forearms. Boz headbutt flurries her then 2nd rope superplexes her. Boz hits a big spear but MM reaches for the ropes before she can try a pin.

MM hurricanrana's her for 2 then crossbodies her against the bottom rope several times. MM is caught and slammed on a top rope crossbody.Boz piledrivers her and picks up the win.

It was fine and was what it should have been. Boz controlled this and they played up the big vs small logic the whole way through. Boz won as expected.

Utami Hayashishita vs. CHIAKI

Chi side headlocks her and they run into each other with shoulders. Utami shoulders her over then Nagisa trips Utami form the outside. Nagisa throws Utami into the seats and poses on her outside.

Chi camel clutches Utami in the ring and pulls on her nostrils. Chi claws Utami. Utami running back elbows Chi then dropkicks her. Chi spears Utami on the ropes and hits facewash kicks. Utami dropkicks Chi then Chi dropkicks her back. Utami side slams her. Chi avoids a sliding lariat and basement dropkicks her.

Utami samoan drops her then sliding lariats her for 2. NN grabs Chi on the ropes. The ref does nothing about it then Chi fisherman suplexes Utami for 2. Chi powerslams Utami for 2. Utami release germans Chi. Utami hits the ref on a spinning forearm when Chi puts the ref in the way.

Chi rolling spears Utami. Nagisa gets in and chairs Chi when Utami moves. Utami knocks the heels over then germans Chi for the win.

Thoughts: I don't like Chi as a heel. I think she's better as a face and I think the heel role limits her. Nagisa interfered here multiple times and the ref took a bump here. I wish they would have just let them have a normal match as the match would have been decent. This was basically Women's House of Torture stuff and I hope it ends here.

Marigold Twin Star Title Tournament First Round Match - Mai Sakurai & MIRAI vs. Myla Grace & Zayda Steel

Myla and Mirai start us off. Myla does a nice escape out of a wristlock, then rolls Mirai up. They mat wrestle and Mirai side headlock takeovers her. Myla headscissors her. Mirai ties up Myla's arms and legs Xelhua style for a pin attempt.

Myla hits strikes on Mirai and legsweeps her. Myla basement dropkicks her for 2. Mirai hits a nice dropkick then slams Myla. Myla hip attacks Mirai on the ropes. Mai and Mirai hit corner attacks on Myla then Mirai shoulders Myla over for 2.

Mai puts her foot on Myla in the corner. Mai does a nice clutch roll on Myla and ties her up. Mai basement dropkicks her out. Mirai slams Myla then kimura's her. Zay breaks it up and Myla 619's Mirai while she's on the 2nd rope.

Zay hits forearms on Mirai. Zay pulls her opponents into each other and does a double codebreaker on them. Zay dropkicks Mirai then flatliners her. Zay crossfaces Mirai and Mirai ropebreaks.

Mirai suplexes Zay. Mai gets in and top rope dropkicks Zay. Mai running facekicks Zay in the corner then running cutters her for 2. Mai stf's Zay. Mai hands on the 2nd rope and is footpressed down by Zay.

Zay step up knees Mai in the corner. Zay snapmares her and 2nd rope crossbodies her. Myla hits forearms on Mai then running lariats her. Myla twisting neckbreakers her and backdrops her for 2. Mai facekicks Myla. 

Myla top rope la silla's Mai for 2. Myla jumps of the ropes and dives outside. Zay tries to tope but gets stuck on the ropes. Myla flying kicks Mai for 2. Mai suplexes Myla then Myla takes an enzugiri + lariat sandwich. Zay hits a killswitch on Mai for 2 and Mai pump kicks Myla. Mai flying kicks Myla.

Mirai hits a big lariat on Myla then Mai gordbusters Myla to win before the time limit expires.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good. It went longer than these girls needed to go. There were no clear faces or heels and not much of a structure to follow. Myla had one of her better showing though.

Nanae Takahashi & Rea Seto vs. Chika Goto & Kouki Amarei

Rea hits a forearm flurry on Chika then Chika drops her with one. Chika slams her then hip attacks her. Chika throws her over and throws her at her corner so she can get NT in. Chika hits chest forearms on NT and NT returns fire. NT shoulders her over.

Rea hits a nice corner dropkick on Chika then holds her for chops from NT. NT chop flurries Kouki along with Chika. Chika and Kouki do stereo boots on their opponents and Chika is dropped down butt first onto NT.

NT chops Chika and Chika chops back. NT forearms Chika then corner lariats her. Rea facebusters Chika then low dropkicks her. Rea hits chest forearms on Chika. Chika buttpresses Rea as she lays on the 2nd rope then Chika running hip attacks Rea.

Chika giant swings Rea. NT and Kouki go at it. They trade shoulders and chest forearms. NT knocks her down with a forearm to the chin then NT shoulders her over. NT suplexes her. NT takes a double running boot from her opponents then Kouki backdrops NT.

NT back body drops Kouki then flying knees her for 2. Rea dropkicks Kouki several times. Rea rolls up Kouki for 2. Rea fujiwara armbars Kouki then pulls back on both of her arms. Rea does cattle mutilation to her.

Rea dropkicks Kouki after NT had lariated her on the ropes. Kouki facekicks Rea then Rea sunset flips her. Kouki powerslams Rea then dropkicks her for 2. Kouki spinebusters her then throws NT over the top.

Rea takes a double gorilla press drop then Kouki 180 splashes Rea off the top to win.

Thoughts: Chika and Rea showed some nice fire here. Kouki wasn't that impressive as usual but it was still way better than it should have been overall. They did a good job of pushing the issues between Chika and Nanae here.

Miku Aono, Natsumi Showzuki & Sareee vs. Giulia, Kizuna Tanaka & Victoria Yuzuki

G = Giulia, Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki, NS = Natsumi Showzuki, Kiz = Kizuna Tanaka

Miku and G go at it. G takes her down and Kiz waistlocks her. Miku side headlocks G and takes a forearm. They trade forearms and G shotgun dropkicks her. Miku takes corner attacks and a triple basement dropkick.

Kiz dropkicks Miku then Miku dropkicks her. Miku slams Kiz then kicks her in the back. Sare works on Kiz then dropkicks her. Sare walks with Kiz and slams her. Sare indian deathlocks her.

Kiz flying lariats Miku then Yuz dropkicks Miku. Yu flying headscissors Miku the dropkicks her for 2. Yuz goes for a guillotine on Miku but is slammed down. Miku PK's her for 2. Miku hits kicks on Yuz then perfectplexes her for 2.

Yuz takes corner dropkicks and NS corner meteora's her for 2. Yuz superkicks NS then does an interesting STO on her. Yuz walks up the buckles and facebusters NS down. Yuz hits hip attacks on NS then northern lights suplexes her.

G top rope dropkicks NS then shotgun dropkicks NS. G wrist clutch suplexes NS for 2 then STF's her. Sare breaks it up and G hits shots on her for it. G and NS slap each other then NS fujiwara armbars her. NS springboard double knee drops G.

G hits forearms on NS. NS takes her down and G hits mounted slaps. NS gets some mounted shots in then kicks her in the chest for 2. G suplexes NS. Sare gets in and top rope dropkicks G. They trade forearms and Sare rolls her into a double stomp. Sare dropkicks G through the ropes.

G germans Sare. Sare no sells it and germans G. Sare runs at her and eats a big forearm then G backdrops her. Kiz dropkicks Sare multiple times. Sare 2nd rope suplexes Kiz. Sare is stuck on the 2nd buckle then G top rope double underhook suplexes her. Kiz fisherman suplexes Sare for 2.

Sare forearms Kiz over. Kiz fires up and forearms her. Sare knocks her over with another chest forearm. Sare dropkicks Kiz against the ropes and pulls hair with G. G headbutts Sare and Kiz rolls up Sare for 2. Kiz rolling armbars Sare from the buckles.

NS takes a backdrop + dropkick combo. Miku then hits a doubole lariat on G and Yuz. Miku high kicks Sare on accident then Kiz rolls Sare into a pin attempt for 2. Sare 2nd rope double stomps Kiz for 2. Sare exploders Kiz and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a good trios match here. Kiz was the fiery young rookie and they pushed Giulia vs Sareee in this one.  Kiz definitely got put over here and got to kick out of things you wouldn't expect. This was a big success though Yuzuki kind of got lost in the shuffle.

Sareee and Giulia talk on the mic after. Kizuna and Yuzuki then have words for Sareee and Giulia. Rea Seto also has words for Giulia and Sareee. Utami comes out and seems to align with Yuzuki and Kizuna. Chika and Kouki then come out and have words for Miku. Miku then gets on the mic and holds the belt up at her. Saree, Miku and NS then do the Marigold cheer to end the show.

Overall thoughts: It was a decent show overall but not great. The main was by far the best thing on here and the semi-main was better than expected. The tag tournament match went too long and wasn't good. Chika and Nagisa are doing heel stuff now which I don't like. Misa vs Boz was okay and the opener was fine.

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